Tuesday 18 February 2020


Allotment today: we had to use the wheelbarrow, to transfer a pile of manure, into the newly constructed grow beds-thanks Southwark Council! It was quite tiring work.

It's frustrating, but I constantly keep running out of credit and cannot afford to top up and people do not ring me. Why?

Significant dates this year; my birthday and I hope to have a party and would like to invite some friends, including Kiearra.                             

Tuesday 11 February 2020

Get there week...

We didn't get to the allotment today, 1. some major repair work to the grow beds is taking place and 2. we had to prepare lettuce and pepper seeds for planting. Once they develop, we will pot them up and put them in the greenhouse. Hopefully, we will get there next week. 

Tuesday 4 February 2020

Allotment plants

Most of the allotment session involved discussing  what plants and varieties we could grow this year.  We focused on tomatoes and it's surprising how may varieties there are, with regard to size, colour and shape. Anyway, it gives Sarah an idea of what to buy...this will be an ongoing conversation for many weeks.