Tuesday 28 January 2020

My phone

Where is my phone charger? Life becomes complicated when you place so much reliance on something, which then is going to stop working , because it's going to run out of power. Particularly, as I'm waiting for a friend to call me. What's going on? Fortunately...I found it.    

Tuesday 21 January 2020


Unfortunately, we did'nt get to the allotment today. The ground would have been too hard, to be able to do anything useful.

However, I am excited about my new, replacement sunglasses. Buy what you can afford...

Tuesday 14 January 2020


Continuing the Christmas theme: of course I got   socks. I think everything I got was useful, or was a replacement for something that had worn out or broken. We didn't get to the allotment this week due to the threat of rain.  

Tuesday 7 January 2020


Christmas, was amongst other things, an  opportunity to upgrade some personal items, ie. some new sun glasses; a new battery for my   phone; a decent pair of headphones; a new belt for my jeans/ trousers! My phone is probably my most useful asset, particularly for listening to music. 

One other thing, I'm moving house very soon!