Tuesday 26 November 2019

Bede Christmas Fair

No allotment today as the weather was too miserable. We spent the morning sorting through all the bits and pieces that we have, so we will know what we need for the design and making of the Christmas wreaths. Once we know that, then Sarah can go shopping and get what we need. The wreaths will be sold at the Bede Christmas Fair!           

Tuesday 12 November 2019

Broad beans

Allotment today...basic tidying up required, but it   has to be done. We transferred our broad bean   plants from their pots to their growing bed  positions. A small frame is in place for each to support them, with netting over them to protect them from squirrels, etc.         

Tuesday 5 November 2019


Today in the allotment we planted our garlic cloves, in the pre prepared growing beds. These will over Winter and probably be ready to harvest in about 8-9 months.

Garlic is one of the most reliable vegetables to grow, as the results of the last few years suggest.

I will probably go and see a firework display this evening...Burgess Park is the nearest to me.