Tuesday 24 September 2019


We were unable to get to the allotment today, because of the poor weather. However, we did pot up our broad bean seeds. They will perhaps be ready for harvesting by mid May. We have to think ahead continuously, to ensure that we will have plants to harvest.

Tuesday 17 September 2019


Always exciting when we have planting to do...and today at the allotment, it was our overwintering onions, though we had to plant them into pots, as there was not sufficient room.                                                                                                                                 

Tuesday 10 September 2019


We planted numerous salad plants and I also choose to sow radish seeds in the allotment today. Had a delicious moussaka and salad for lunch. Last week had an unpleasant cold...honestly none of us like feeling unwell...I certainly don't.                 

Tuesday 3 September 2019


I'm pretty excited about the Round Green Courgette, which has just matured at the allotment. This is one of several key times of the year, as we reach the end of Summer and then  have to give some thought to what we will plant over Winter. The growing beds will have also to be prepared for next year.