Tuesday 27 August 2019


It was my birthday, so that was definitely reason to celebrate! It was too hot  today to do very much at the allotment, but we did do a little weeding and a lot of watering. By the way the pumpkin is enormous...I'll get a picture of it when I'm able to.                      

Tuesday 13 August 2019


Harvested potatoes today at the allotment;   headphones broke and that has been really   frustrating, as I can't listen to Heart on my phone. Good news though, I am going to be moving soon...so that is really exciting! Also, it's my birthday next week and I'm going to have a party in the church hall.     

Tuesday 6 August 2019

Allotment: overview.

Warm, with the odd shower, at the allotment  today. My broad beans are really doing well and    I will display them at the October Harvest    Festival, at the Bede. We had a very helpful 'walk through' the allotment, ie. a how are things doing guide (by Sarah)? Mostly, things are doing well, though snails are a particular problem.