Tuesday 30 July 2019

Allotment latest..,.

Allotment today: there were various things that    needed to be done, including...potting up, potting on, replanting, weeding and watering. Funnily enough it did then rain heavily and we all had to  shelter in the greenhouse...which was quite comical. I also have some broad beans to take home.                              

Tuesday 23 July 2019

Thriving squashes

We had been unable to get to the allotment for two weeks, though thanks to others, who continued to water all the plants. Bad news: the peas had died, but the good news is, that the broad beans and squashes are really thriving. It was T's birthday today...best wishes!   

Tuesday 9 July 2019

Vegetable harvesting

I was an exciting day in the allotment: we were  able to harvest both the shallots and the garlic-they were the first vegetables planted (in November), in the allotment. They are currently hanging in the   greenhouse to dry out. There are some impressive looking bulbs.                   

Tuesday 2 July 2019

Runner beans

In the allotment today: we were not busy, but there are of course, always things to do. A lot of watering was necessary; we planted various  runner bean shoots/ plants germinated by Sarah, to replace those that had died off.