Tuesday 25 June 2019


A lot of planting took place in the allotment today. We had various plants, in pots, waiting to be potted on, including: courgettes, squashes and aubergines. We are trying to maximise the space available, though the tomatoes will need somewhere. We just have to get the timing right...        

Tuesday 18 June 2019

Bede Summer Fete

Last week was the Bede Summer Fete (12-6). As  always, there was a wide range of activities, love and creativity. For example, toys, books, tombola, games, allotment plants, etc. Amazingly, I won first prize in the raffle...a Family City Cruise ticket!                

Tuesday 11 June 2019

Weeding and spraying

On going activities at the allotment today   included lots more weeding-they are very   persistent. A particular problem are the blackfly on the broad beans, which required a good dose of washing up liquid applied to them.                     

Tuesday 4 June 2019


Last week I was with a group form my local church and we went to Rome for a short visit, (just a few days). We visited the Vatican and many of the popular tourist sites that one might see. I took loads pictures...though not on my own phone.