Tuesday 30 April 2019

Sunny weather...

Very nice day, weather wise, at the allotment: which included planting the late potato varieties that had sprouted; continued the weeding; and did a lot of watering as the soil was quite dry. However, most of the vegetables are doing very well once they have managed to establish themselves.                  

Tuesday 23 April 2019

Allotment and bowling

Allotment: further weeding and we also separated and potted on more lettuce seedlings. With the greenhouse, we can grow a greater variety of vegetables and they are more likely to flourish.

Bank Holiday Monday, I went bowling with friends at the Lewisham Bowling Centre...well I think I'm the best player, though that's not reflected in the score...hmmm    


Tuesday 16 April 2019


We continue to plant new vegetables in the   allotment-or at least to start them as seeds and begin to germinate them. This week we planted our cucumber seeds. We had five different varieties to choose from!

Tuesday 9 April 2019

Allotment: planted potatoes

I would briefly mention the allotment, but I am  too annoyed, because someone stole my wallet  on Sunday. Ok, nothing of real 'value' in it, inconvenient, yes, but some people have no respect, probably not for themselves either.