Tuesday 26 March 2019

All the vegetables...

The Summer approaches and we have to do some more careful planning: what are we going to grow and where? Also, bearing in mind that we can't grow our vegetables in the same areas that they had previously grown in; and do we have enough space in the allotment anyway? What preparations are needed? 

Tuesday 19 March 2019


Today, after a little preparation we planted a variety of peas and broad beans in the growing beds. That required a little skill in itself. We expect that we will harvest them in June/ July...so quite a short growing period.    

Tuesday 12 March 2019

Lettuuce seeds

A funny day...what with the weather being very erratic. However, we were focused on getting our  varieties of lettuce (seeds) into seed trays for germination. We then took them up to the greenhouse where they will be left until they can develop safely.       

Tuesday 5 March 2019

On going

Continuing the theme of the last 3-4 weeks: more general sorting and general tidying up. The  allotment is beginning to look really tidy, as we gradually sort through the unwanted bits and pieces.