Tuesday 10 December 2019

Bede Christmas Fair

As the Bede Christmas Fair is tomorrow, we need to finish our wreaths. We can take them home (for a small fee), or alternatively, let them be sold.        It should be an enjoyable day tomorrow, with many different things happening to raise money.               

Tuesday 26 November 2019

Bede Christmas Fair

No allotment today as the weather was too miserable. We spent the morning sorting through all the bits and pieces that we have, so we will know what we need for the design and making of the Christmas wreaths. Once we know that, then Sarah can go shopping and get what we need. The wreaths will be sold at the Bede Christmas Fair!           

Tuesday 12 November 2019

Broad beans

Allotment today...basic tidying up required, but it   has to be done. We transferred our broad bean   plants from their pots to their growing bed  positions. A small frame is in place for each to support them, with netting over them to protect them from squirrels, etc.         

Tuesday 5 November 2019


Today in the allotment we planted our garlic cloves, in the pre prepared growing beds. These will over Winter and probably be ready to harvest in about 8-9 months.

Garlic is one of the most reliable vegetables to grow, as the results of the last few years suggest.

I will probably go and see a firework display this evening...Burgess Park is the nearest to me.


Tuesday 29 October 2019

Harvest Show

Last week it was the Bede Harvest Show. I was really pleased to win third prize for my display, ie. shallots, garlic and potatoes. I'm looking forward to combinining them into my forthcomimg meals.

I'm still excited  about my electric toothbush...the best thing that I've bought for ages.           

Tuesday 22 October 2019

Harvest Show

An allotment update: tomorrow is the Harvest  Show at Bede. We have an impressive array of vegetables. I'm really happy with my potatoes, shallots and garlic. However, Mophido's giant pumpkin is amazing.              

Tuesday 8 October 2019

The dentist...

Last week I could'nt get to the allotment, as I had to go to the dentist and have my teeth cleaned. I  know this all seems very trivial, but...I also got a new electric (cordless) toothbrush! There is an open talent contest at St Peters (Walworth), on Saturday12-Oct, which should both be entertaining and a laugh: entry free!    

Tuesday 24 September 2019


We were unable to get to the allotment today, because of the poor weather. However, we did pot up our broad bean seeds. They will perhaps be ready for harvesting by mid May. We have to think ahead continuously, to ensure that we will have plants to harvest.

Tuesday 17 September 2019


Always exciting when we have planting to do...and today at the allotment, it was our overwintering onions, though we had to plant them into pots, as there was not sufficient room.                                                                                                                                 

Tuesday 10 September 2019


We planted numerous salad plants and I also choose to sow radish seeds in the allotment today. Had a delicious moussaka and salad for lunch. Last week had an unpleasant cold...honestly none of us like feeling unwell...I certainly don't.                 

Tuesday 3 September 2019


I'm pretty excited about the Round Green Courgette, which has just matured at the allotment. This is one of several key times of the year, as we reach the end of Summer and then  have to give some thought to what we will plant over Winter. The growing beds will have also to be prepared for next year.           

Tuesday 27 August 2019


It was my birthday, so that was definitely reason to celebrate! It was too hot  today to do very much at the allotment, but we did do a little weeding and a lot of watering. By the way the pumpkin is enormous...I'll get a picture of it when I'm able to.                      

Tuesday 13 August 2019


Harvested potatoes today at the allotment;   headphones broke and that has been really   frustrating, as I can't listen to Heart on my phone. Good news though, I am going to be moving soon...so that is really exciting! Also, it's my birthday next week and I'm going to have a party in the church hall.     

Tuesday 6 August 2019

Allotment: overview.

Warm, with the odd shower, at the allotment  today. My broad beans are really doing well and    I will display them at the October Harvest    Festival, at the Bede. We had a very helpful 'walk through' the allotment, ie. a how are things doing guide (by Sarah)? Mostly, things are doing well, though snails are a particular problem.     

Tuesday 30 July 2019

Allotment latest..,.

Allotment today: there were various things that    needed to be done, including...potting up, potting on, replanting, weeding and watering. Funnily enough it did then rain heavily and we all had to  shelter in the greenhouse...which was quite comical. I also have some broad beans to take home.                              

Tuesday 23 July 2019

Thriving squashes

We had been unable to get to the allotment for two weeks, though thanks to others, who continued to water all the plants. Bad news: the peas had died, but the good news is, that the broad beans and squashes are really thriving. It was T's birthday today...best wishes!   

Tuesday 9 July 2019

Vegetable harvesting

I was an exciting day in the allotment: we were  able to harvest both the shallots and the garlic-they were the first vegetables planted (in November), in the allotment. They are currently hanging in the   greenhouse to dry out. There are some impressive looking bulbs.                   

Tuesday 2 July 2019

Runner beans

In the allotment today: we were not busy, but there are of course, always things to do. A lot of watering was necessary; we planted various  runner bean shoots/ plants germinated by Sarah, to replace those that had died off.            

Tuesday 25 June 2019


A lot of planting took place in the allotment today. We had various plants, in pots, waiting to be potted on, including: courgettes, squashes and aubergines. We are trying to maximise the space available, though the tomatoes will need somewhere. We just have to get the timing right...        

Tuesday 18 June 2019

Bede Summer Fete

Last week was the Bede Summer Fete (12-6). As  always, there was a wide range of activities, love and creativity. For example, toys, books, tombola, games, allotment plants, etc. Amazingly, I won first prize in the raffle...a Family City Cruise ticket!                

Tuesday 11 June 2019

Weeding and spraying

On going activities at the allotment today   included lots more weeding-they are very   persistent. A particular problem are the blackfly on the broad beans, which required a good dose of washing up liquid applied to them.                     

Tuesday 4 June 2019


Last week I was with a group form my local church and we went to Rome for a short visit, (just a few days). We visited the Vatican and many of the popular tourist sites that one might see. I took loads pictures...though not on my own phone.   

Tuesday 21 May 2019

Watering and weeding

Another warm day and a varied session in the allotment. It included both planting, watering, a small amount of weeding, and a lot more watering!
By the way, I'm going to Italy this week.

Tuesday 14 May 2019


We just didn't have enough time today, particulary after both weeding and watering had taken place...of course both are essential. Next week we should be planting a variety of corgettes and Summer and Winter squashes!              

Tuesday 7 May 2019

Hunter beans

Sunny day in the allotment.  It was an enjoyable  session, with Sarah doing an instructive talk through of  how things were going. We had the opportunity to select varieties of climbing runner bean. We then planted the seeds in a given area. The supporting frames will be put up as we go...     

Tuesday 30 April 2019

Sunny weather...

Very nice day, weather wise, at the allotment: which included planting the late potato varieties that had sprouted; continued the weeding; and did a lot of watering as the soil was quite dry. However, most of the vegetables are doing very well once they have managed to establish themselves.                  

Tuesday 23 April 2019

Allotment and bowling

Allotment: further weeding and we also separated and potted on more lettuce seedlings. With the greenhouse, we can grow a greater variety of vegetables and they are more likely to flourish.

Bank Holiday Monday, I went bowling with friends at the Lewisham Bowling Centre...well I think I'm the best player, though that's not reflected in the score...hmmm    


Tuesday 16 April 2019


We continue to plant new vegetables in the   allotment-or at least to start them as seeds and begin to germinate them. This week we planted our cucumber seeds. We had five different varieties to choose from!

Tuesday 9 April 2019

Allotment: planted potatoes

I would briefly mention the allotment, but I am  too annoyed, because someone stole my wallet  on Sunday. Ok, nothing of real 'value' in it, inconvenient, yes, but some people have no respect, probably not for themselves either.     

Tuesday 26 March 2019

All the vegetables...

The Summer approaches and we have to do some more careful planning: what are we going to grow and where? Also, bearing in mind that we can't grow our vegetables in the same areas that they had previously grown in; and do we have enough space in the allotment anyway? What preparations are needed? 

Tuesday 19 March 2019


Today, after a little preparation we planted a variety of peas and broad beans in the growing beds. That required a little skill in itself. We expect that we will harvest them in June/ July...so quite a short growing period.    

Tuesday 12 March 2019

Lettuuce seeds

A funny day...what with the weather being very erratic. However, we were focused on getting our  varieties of lettuce (seeds) into seed trays for germination. We then took them up to the greenhouse where they will be left until they can develop safely.       

Tuesday 5 March 2019

On going

Continuing the theme of the last 3-4 weeks: more general sorting and general tidying up. The  allotment is beginning to look really tidy, as we gradually sort through the unwanted bits and pieces.    

Tuesday 26 February 2019

Tidying up...

Another day in the allotment and what a lovely sunny day it  was. We've managed to get all the bits and pieces behind one side of the container, so the area looks very tidy!       

Tuesday 19 February 2019

GP appointment

I wasn't able to get to the allotment group this  morning, as I had a GP appointment. I've been told that the process of digging manure into the beds continued, as did the usual ongoing general maintenance.The garlic and shallots are doing well!       

Tuesday 12 February 2019


It's an on-going theme: getting the growing beds   ready for planting in next 2-3 weeks. Today we were digging in manure, which had come from the Farm...so it was quite whiffy, but just what we need!        

Tuesday 5 February 2019

Wall Chart

No allotment, today as we were helping to put  together bits and pieces for the proposed   laminated chart. It will enable us to keep a visual and on going record through the year, of what has been planted, where and when it we can expect to  harvest it.   

Tuesday 29 January 2019

Next week...

Today at the allotment... 

What was said last week, applies particularly to this week. It was cold and the surface soil was quite hard. However, we are getting to the time, when we will be doing some more sowing and planting and that is always an exciting prospect.   I'll be back...     

Tuesday 22 January 2019

Tidiying up

Growing things in the allotment is very much a matter of pre-planning and patience. There are  always things to do, but sometimes it feels like you have to wait for...something....to happen... 

One thing: a large amount of rubbish was  removed last week. It has made such a bib difference. 

Tuesday 15 January 2019


It was an important day in the allotment, as we had to try and help to plan out the what, where  and how for the next 3-5 months: the what to grow, maybe chillies, parsnips and broad beans; in which beds they should go and what special preparation would be needed.

Tuesday 8 January 2019


There has been quite a gap between the last visit  to the allotment (mid December) and that of today. Given recent conditions, there has been little real  change...though the garlic and shallots have grown noticeably!