Tuesday 27 November 2018

Wreath making

We didn't get to the allotment today. Instead, the wreath making continued. It's an interesting activity, with various!       

Tuesday 20 November 2018


Allotment today: wet and cold, but thankfully  there were only a few things to do. At least the  morning was broken up by wreath making at the beginning! However, the weather wasn't so bad...really.  

Tuesday 13 November 2018

Garlic and broad beans

It was very busy in the allotment today. Our Winter planting regime continued, ie. we planted broad beans and cloves of garlic. We also had the opportunity to harvest our carrots and I had a really impressive bunch! Our main problem could be animals foraging for food, as they have already caused a lot of damage.  

Tuesday 6 November 2018

Tomatoes end...

Conditions, weather wise , were much better today in the allotment. All of the tomato plants were uprooted, but there won't be any waste. We can still use those green tomatoes...many will even ripen! We also planted our first shallots.