Tuesday 30 October 2018

Winter planting

Allotment today: the first of our over wintering vegetables were planted today...these included kale, cabbage, broccoli, various lettuces, chicory. Some outside in large pots; others outside under cover; the rest in the greenhouse.   

Tuesday 23 October 2018

I got to eat everything.

It was the Bede Harvest Festival last week: an  opportunity for everyone involved in the groups,  to display many of the things they had grown, towards the end of the season in the allotment. I even got a certificate in recognition of my efforts!            

Tuesday 16 October 2018

Allotment...more tidying up.

Allotment today: further clearing up, particularly of discarded leaves. At least the weeds are not growing, which makes everything easier. I  was able to harvest some great looking lettuces.   

Tuesday 9 October 2018

Harvest Festival Preparations

We were preparing for the Harvest Festival Pre at the allotment today, which involved a lot of tidying up. There are so many bits and pieces that have accumulated and it is not easy to get rid of it all. Even the organic stuff takes a long time to break down.

Tuesday 2 October 2018

Harvest Festival

Allotment: today we were able to harvest various vegetables including, garlic, cucumbers, marrow, broad beans, onions and potatoes.                          This is probably the last real opportunity to do so  as the Summer ends. However, there are still tomatoes and peppers to gather in and planting will continue as Winter approaches.