Tuesday 31 July 2018


Allotment today: we harvested as many vegetables individually as were ready...broad beans, courgettes, tomatoes. We also planted salad and various herbs, so that there will be something else available later on in the year.   

Tuesday 24 July 2018


To bridge that gap between the end of summer approaching and next spring, we planted carrot seeds and more potato plants. Lets hope the carrot root fly doesn't get them! We also took home more (small varieties) of potato...

Tuesday 17 July 2018


Again very busy in the allotment, but particularly exciting as we got to harvest our garlic and onions/ shallots, as well as some early potatoes. It's great see the results of our efforts.      

Tuesday 3 July 2018

Too hot

It was too hot at the allotment today. However, we did do a lot of weeding. As said before, it's hard to believe how quickly things grow. It was also important that we properly tied the tomato plants to their bamboo poles, to get them off the ground.