Tuesday 26 June 2018

A busy day...

Each week there can be so many small, but necessary jobs that come together at the same time. Today was just that: weeding, repotting, replanting, watering. All these have to be done, or the whole growing (and cultivation) process will fail.  

Tuesday 19 June 2018

Weeding again...

Very busy, there were a lot of different jobs to do. I was mainly involved with weeding. It's a priority as they they literally can  take over. They are very difficult to control. 

Tuesday 12 June 2018


We need to make sure that the tomatoes have the best opportunity to develop fully and produce as much fruit as possible. Sarah took us through the various steps required, to ensure that this was possible.

Tuesday 5 June 2018

Weeding and potting

Another busy day in the allotment. There was a lot of weeding-leave it for one week and it can take over. Importantly we transfrrerd our tomatoes from their pots into the growing beds.