Tuesday 29 May 2018


We selected various tomato plants and there is a large variety to choose from. Different plants produce fruits of different sizes, colour and shape. From their seed trays we potted them up and then took them over to the greenhouse-did I mention the heavy rain...?  

Tuesday 22 May 2018


Today at the allotment there were various jobs, that we will definitely have to do every week-that  is, watering and weeding...and repotting as everything develops.  

Tuesday 15 May 2018


Busy in the allotment today: repotted our cucumbers-into larger pots; weeded -everything grows so quickly; watered-essential; put together  a small frame-to support the broad beans and put down slug pellets-to try and protect some of the more vulnerable plants.              

Tuesday 8 May 2018


Today we watered everything. It is something that can be a real problem, particularly with the current weather. All our plants are doing very well...the red leafed shard looks fabulous!   

Tuesday 1 May 2018

Broad beans

Allotment: so much of what happens is simply preparation and then the growing process takes over. Today we planted broad bean climber seeds and next week, we will construct the climbing frames that will support them, once they start growing.