Tuesday 24 April 2018


Allotment: lots of various jobs today. Everything  was watered; topped up many large pots with compost; prepared, (dug over) areas where climbing frames will be installed, to support our climbing plants, (broad beans, etc).       

Tuesday 17 April 2018

Harvesting times.

What a lovely day in the allotment. We were busy as well. Salad plants continued to be transferred over to grow tubs; pumpkin, gourd and squash seeds were also planted. There is a huge range of  colours, shapes and sizes. Some can be harvested over the Summer, others in the Autumn.             

Tuesday 10 April 2018


Today apart from a little weeding, we transplanted the lettuce plants into larger growing tubs. They might stay for the whole of their growing period in those tubs, as the soil is deep enough as they develop. 

Tuesday 3 April 2018

peas and beans.

The peas and broad beans planted in November, had quite obviously failed. Today we de-weeded and planted (new), both again in the same growing beds. I guess the weather was too cold, for too long, to expect that they might have developed successfully.