Tuesday 27 March 2018

Potato planting 2

This week was a continuation of last: we planted our early potatoes...their growing times are very  short in comparison...3-4 months. My particular variety is Red Duke of York. 

Tuesday 20 March 2018

potato planting 1

Today I planted potatoes. It was a very sunny day. I had lunch out and I ate a cheese burger  and chips.                

Tuesday 13 March 2018

o t came...

I went  to the allotment today with Lorna (a one-to-one support worker). However, we got there too late, to help out with  the on going preparation of the beds and pots, for the potatoes we intend to plant...next week?     

Tuesday 6 March 2018


Cucumber seedlings which had developed sufficiently were transferred to a cool container.  We checked our potatoes-they are developing various roots. We prepared two deep channels in one of the growing beds and covered them with plastic sheeting. The potatoes will be planted  out soon...