Tuesday 30 January 2018


Today in the allotment, we  prepared two beds for planting, by digging in manure. In the next weeks
various vegetables will go in, (there is an overall plan!), though I'm not yet sure which ones...it's exciting. 

Tuesday 23 January 2018

Bird boxes 2

Today we  continued working on the bird boxes. With the same template, all the bits were cut out and ready to be nailed or screwed together. The're. a great idea! Several will go in the allotment, others in the Nature Garden at Bede.

Tuesday 16 January 2018

Bird boxes.

We didn't go to the allotment today. The group was involved in building bird boxes,  from the pre cut wood available. There were a lot of different steps involved in the process as you can maybe imagine.                                            

Tuesday 9 January 2018

Nesting boxes

At the allotment today we finished off the wooden insect nesting boxes. That's boxes packed with thin branches, twigs etc, to create a user friendly environment for them-or to get them all in one place where a predator can get them..  

Tuesday 2 January 2018

my xmas

new watch.
new hat 
new boots
new coat
new phone
new Scarves


today at the allotment we have a lot of rain. so we put the skeet in the boxes in the greenhouse.