Tuesday 11 December 2018

Up late...

Today was a very untypical day for me, because I got up much later than usual. As a result, I missed the allotment group this morning and just seem to be behind , with regard to everything else. It has thrown the whole day out... 

Tuesday 4 December 2018

Good Wreath

With the Christmas Fete tomorrow, this was last opportunity to try and finish off my own wreath and any others, that will be available to buy. Unfortunately, I don't have a picture to post...   

Tuesday 27 November 2018

Wreath making

We didn't get to the allotment today. Instead, the wreath making continued. It's an interesting activity, with various!       

Tuesday 20 November 2018


Allotment today: wet and cold, but thankfully  there were only a few things to do. At least the  morning was broken up by wreath making at the beginning! However, the weather wasn't so bad...really.  

Tuesday 13 November 2018

Garlic and broad beans

It was very busy in the allotment today. Our Winter planting regime continued, ie. we planted broad beans and cloves of garlic. We also had the opportunity to harvest our carrots and I had a really impressive bunch! Our main problem could be animals foraging for food, as they have already caused a lot of damage.  

Tuesday 6 November 2018

Tomatoes end...

Conditions, weather wise , were much better today in the allotment. All of the tomato plants were uprooted, but there won't be any waste. We can still use those green tomatoes...many will even ripen! We also planted our first shallots. 

Tuesday 30 October 2018

Winter planting

Allotment today: the first of our over wintering vegetables were planted today...these included kale, cabbage, broccoli, various lettuces, chicory. Some outside in large pots; others outside under cover; the rest in the greenhouse.   

Tuesday 23 October 2018

I got to eat everything.

It was the Bede Harvest Festival last week: an  opportunity for everyone involved in the groups,  to display many of the things they had grown, towards the end of the season in the allotment. I even got a certificate in recognition of my efforts!            

Tuesday 16 October 2018

Allotment...more tidying up.

Allotment today: further clearing up, particularly of discarded leaves. At least the weeds are not growing, which makes everything easier. I  was able to harvest some great looking lettuces.   

Tuesday 9 October 2018

Harvest Festival Preparations

We were preparing for the Harvest Festival Pre at the allotment today, which involved a lot of tidying up. There are so many bits and pieces that have accumulated and it is not easy to get rid of it all. Even the organic stuff takes a long time to break down.

Tuesday 2 October 2018

Harvest Festival

Allotment: today we were able to harvest various vegetables including, garlic, cucumbers, marrow, broad beans, onions and potatoes.                          This is probably the last real opportunity to do so  as the Summer ends. However, there are still tomatoes and peppers to gather in and planting will continue as Winter approaches.      

Tuesday 11 September 2018

Tidying up

Very mixed day in the allotment today. We split up into various groups and got on with the different jobs, that is, weeding, watering, general tidying up, etc. We are still trying to get organised for the October Harvest Festival, so we can display some of our vegetables. 

Tuesday 4 September 2018


Allotment: continued on from last week, with the  aim of getting the growing beds ready for Autumn planting. However, I was also able to harvest potatoes which were planted three months ago. I shall be having them with my meal tonight!  

Tuesday 28 August 2018


Allotment today: very general tidying up, which included a lot of weeding. Also, many of the tomato plants have so many fruits on their branches, that they need to be supported further, by tying those branches up off the ground. We are preparing for the October harvest festival, when we can display many of our plants.

Tuesday 21 August 2018

Tidying up

There were so many small, but necessary jobs in the allotment today. This is a strange time of the year and as Iv'e said before: Autumn/ Winter are coming and we have to take advantage of what growing opportunities are available and that means much preparation is required. 

Tuesday 14 August 2018


It's always exciting in the allotment, when we are able to harvest our vegetables...today was no different. I have three cucumbers, onions and a bunch of garlic to take home. It's a great feeling! 

Tuesday 7 August 2018

More broad beans

The main issue today in the allotment, was how dry everything hads. quickly become in just a couple of days. It is a real problem, given the continuous hot weather we have had. At least I also hads. the opportunity to harvest more broad beans!   

Tuesday 31 July 2018


Allotment today: we harvested as many vegetables individually as were ready...broad beans, courgettes, tomatoes. We also planted salad and various herbs, so that there will be something else available later on in the year.   

Tuesday 24 July 2018


To bridge that gap between the end of summer approaching and next spring, we planted carrot seeds and more potato plants. Lets hope the carrot root fly doesn't get them! We also took home more (small varieties) of potato...

Tuesday 17 July 2018


Again very busy in the allotment, but particularly exciting as we got to harvest our garlic and onions/ shallots, as well as some early potatoes. It's great see the results of our efforts.      

Tuesday 3 July 2018

Too hot

It was too hot at the allotment today. However, we did do a lot of weeding. As said before, it's hard to believe how quickly things grow. It was also important that we properly tied the tomato plants to their bamboo poles, to get them off the ground.                        

Tuesday 26 June 2018

A busy day...

Each week there can be so many small, but necessary jobs that come together at the same time. Today was just that: weeding, repotting, replanting, watering. All these have to be done, or the whole growing (and cultivation) process will fail.  

Tuesday 19 June 2018

Weeding again...

Very busy, there were a lot of different jobs to do. I was mainly involved with weeding. It's a priority as they they literally can  take over. They are very difficult to control. 

Tuesday 12 June 2018


We need to make sure that the tomatoes have the best opportunity to develop fully and produce as much fruit as possible. Sarah took us through the various steps required, to ensure that this was possible.

Tuesday 5 June 2018

Weeding and potting

Another busy day in the allotment. There was a lot of weeding-leave it for one week and it can take over. Importantly we transfrrerd our tomatoes from their pots into the growing beds.     

Tuesday 29 May 2018


We selected various tomato plants and there is a large variety to choose from. Different plants produce fruits of different sizes, colour and shape. From their seed trays we potted them up and then took them over to the greenhouse-did I mention the heavy rain...?  

Tuesday 22 May 2018


Today at the allotment there were various jobs, that we will definitely have to do every week-that  is, watering and weeding...and repotting as everything develops.  

Tuesday 15 May 2018


Busy in the allotment today: repotted our cucumbers-into larger pots; weeded -everything grows so quickly; watered-essential; put together  a small frame-to support the broad beans and put down slug pellets-to try and protect some of the more vulnerable plants.              

Tuesday 8 May 2018


Today we watered everything. It is something that can be a real problem, particularly with the current weather. All our plants are doing very well...the red leafed shard looks fabulous!   

Tuesday 1 May 2018

Broad beans

Allotment: so much of what happens is simply preparation and then the growing process takes over. Today we planted broad bean climber seeds and next week, we will construct the climbing frames that will support them, once they start growing.   

Tuesday 24 April 2018


Allotment: lots of various jobs today. Everything  was watered; topped up many large pots with compost; prepared, (dug over) areas where climbing frames will be installed, to support our climbing plants, (broad beans, etc).       

Tuesday 17 April 2018

Harvesting times.

What a lovely day in the allotment. We were busy as well. Salad plants continued to be transferred over to grow tubs; pumpkin, gourd and squash seeds were also planted. There is a huge range of  colours, shapes and sizes. Some can be harvested over the Summer, others in the Autumn.             

Tuesday 10 April 2018


Today apart from a little weeding, we transplanted the lettuce plants into larger growing tubs. They might stay for the whole of their growing period in those tubs, as the soil is deep enough as they develop. 

Tuesday 3 April 2018

peas and beans.

The peas and broad beans planted in November, had quite obviously failed. Today we de-weeded and planted (new), both again in the same growing beds. I guess the weather was too cold, for too long, to expect that they might have developed successfully.      

Tuesday 27 March 2018

Potato planting 2

This week was a continuation of last: we planted our early potatoes...their growing times are very  short in comparison...3-4 months. My particular variety is Red Duke of York. 

Tuesday 20 March 2018

potato planting 1

Today I planted potatoes. It was a very sunny day. I had lunch out and I ate a cheese burger  and chips.                

Tuesday 13 March 2018

o t came...

I went  to the allotment today with Lorna (a one-to-one support worker). However, we got there too late, to help out with  the on going preparation of the beds and pots, for the potatoes we intend to plant...next week?     

Tuesday 6 March 2018


Cucumber seedlings which had developed sufficiently were transferred to a cool container.  We checked our potatoes-they are developing various roots. We prepared two deep channels in one of the growing beds and covered them with plastic sheeting. The potatoes will be planted  out soon...   

Tuesday 27 February 2018


I came in late, so didn't go to the allotment. However, those that did go brought back the lettuce seedlings. We also potted up cucumber seeds and placed them in an incubator. The lettuce will be potted on later. Even in the current conditions, everything is doing well.

Tuesday 20 February 2018


Quite a lot of preparation in the allotment today.  We potted broad bean seeds, (ready June at the earliest) and replanted lettuce seedlings into trays. They will both be potted on when they have developed further.    

Tuesday 13 February 2018


We have a great choice of 'seed potatoes' and from these, after they've sprouted, we will plant them out in the allotment-probably about 1st-2nd week  of March I am excited!      

Tuesday 6 February 2018

Extra planting...

Today in the allotment it was COLD...2 degrees!  We planted the remaining shallot, garlic and  onion bulbs, obviously to get as many of each, to begin developing as quickly as possible... eventhough the initial planting was two/half months ago.        

Tuesday 30 January 2018


Today in the allotment, we  prepared two beds for planting, by digging in manure. In the next weeks
various vegetables will go in, (there is an overall plan!), though I'm not yet sure which ones...it's exciting. 

Tuesday 23 January 2018

Bird boxes 2

Today we  continued working on the bird boxes. With the same template, all the bits were cut out and ready to be nailed or screwed together. The're. a great idea! Several will go in the allotment, others in the Nature Garden at Bede.

Tuesday 16 January 2018

Bird boxes.

We didn't go to the allotment today. The group was involved in building bird boxes,  from the pre cut wood available. There were a lot of different steps involved in the process as you can maybe imagine.                                            

Tuesday 9 January 2018

Nesting boxes

At the allotment today we finished off the wooden insect nesting boxes. That's boxes packed with thin branches, twigs etc, to create a user friendly environment for them-or to get them all in one place where a predator can get them..  

Tuesday 2 January 2018

my xmas

new watch.
new hat 
new boots
new coat
new phone
new Scarves


today at the allotment we have a lot of rain. so we put the skeet in the boxes in the greenhouse.