Tuesday 21 November 2017

Academy Awards

On Thursday (24-11-2017), I shall be going to the Academy Awards Event, organised by The Three C's organisation, at 6pm. It's an acknowledgement of the disability learning contributions, made by individuals and groups, within the LD community. Thanks, Chris.    

Clearing out

A|good team effort at the allotment today. Quite a few different actives took place: leaf gathering; planting of garlic and onion bulbs; a wooden and plastic covered frame, to stand pots in and water them, was also constructed.       

Tuesday 14 November 2017

Beans and peas

Allotment today: planted over-wintering broad beans and peas (from 'seed'). There are certain steps that need to be carried out, eg. soaking them for an hour beforehand and then spacing them out properly in the bed. Preparation is the key!  

Tuesday 7 November 2017

Tidying up 2

Allotment: we  continued to clear the of the last of the raspberry roots...then dug in compost to improve the soil in that bed for Spring planting.