Tuesday 31 October 2017


We planted both white and red onion (bulbs) today. Each person has their own little area to work with. Ongoing...tidying up...A lot of  rubbish and waste gets collected and it's not so easy to get rid of it. Storage is a bit of a problem also, so it's necessary to be able to get rid of that waste and rubbish quickly, but...    

Tuesday 24 October 2017

Tidying up

Allotment today: it was general cleaning and clearing. There is not a lot of storage space for bits and pieces, so the area we use can get very untidy and disorganised easily.  

Tuesday 17 October 2017

Garlic and shallots

At the allotment today we planted shallot and garlic bulbs. We're very organised, with separate 'drills' and name tags and sticks as markers, for each channel-so we'll be able find them!   

Tuesday 10 October 2017

Sue leaving

It's Sue's last week at the allotment-I'll be sorry to see her go. Lots of weeding today! 
I had my phone stolen on Sunday and feel really  angry about that.  

Tuesday 3 October 2017

Harvest Festival Show

No allotment today, as Sue was away.  However, there was a drawing and painting session (at Bede) instead. The vegetable painted pieces, will provide part of the backdrop, for the Harvest Festival Show tomorrow.