Tuesday 25 April 2017


I bought some new headphones today (£5 from East St Market). I hope the'll last a while, compared to the very cheap, but useless ones from the Pound Shop. I really like to listen to Heart on the radio, wherever I go. 


Tuesday 18 April 2017

Orient st

I often go to the Orient St (Adult) Respite Unit, probably about once a month. It's an opportunity to give my family a break and for me to get some extra support and join in a lot of different activities. I really enjoy going there.    

Tuesday 11 April 2017


All of our  plants are developing nicely. Today we just watered everything thoroughly. We have access to a standpipe nearby, so that's really convenient. 

Tuesday 4 April 2017


We have various beans that are being cultivated in pots. They will then be planted in beds at the allotment. Today, just a little weeding and watering was necessary.