Tuesday 28 March 2017

Carry on weeding...

More weeding- I know it seems endless, from one week to the next, but it is so relaxing and enjoyable (and tiring!). I also enjoy being part of a small group working together. I've been involved with the allotment project for 3 to 4 years.  

Tuesday 21 March 2017

Weed day

Today it was a little bit more weeding. Everything, more or less, goes into the composting bin anyway. We have a really lovely mulch, which we can mix in where we need it.  

Tuesday 14 March 2017

Runner beans.

We planted red runner beans today. We've got a well prepared bed for them. We hope that they will be ready for harvesting in about 5 months. Interestingly, they also produce really attractive flowers for ornamental display.                         

Tuesday 7 March 2017

Allotment team.

We didn't do a lot today-that's gardening for you. However, we did do some weeding. The vegetables are all looking great! We went to the cafe afterwards-same as usual: burger, chips and a cup of tea...