Tuesday 5 December 2017

Christmas Fayre

Today we were decorating our Christmas wreaths in preparation for the Bede Fayre tomorrow! The're very attractive and we hope to display and sell them during the day.    

Tuesday 21 November 2017

Academy Awards

On Thursday (24-11-2017), I shall be going to the Academy Awards Event, organised by The Three C's organisation, at 6pm. It's an acknowledgement of the disability learning contributions, made by individuals and groups, within the LD community. Thanks, Chris.    

Clearing out

A|good team effort at the allotment today. Quite a few different actives took place: leaf gathering; planting of garlic and onion bulbs; a wooden and plastic covered frame, to stand pots in and water them, was also constructed.       

Tuesday 14 November 2017

Beans and peas

Allotment today: planted over-wintering broad beans and peas (from 'seed'). There are certain steps that need to be carried out, eg. soaking them for an hour beforehand and then spacing them out properly in the bed. Preparation is the key!  

Tuesday 7 November 2017

Tidying up 2

Allotment: we  continued to clear the of the last of the raspberry roots...then dug in compost to improve the soil in that bed for Spring planting.  

Tuesday 31 October 2017


We planted both white and red onion (bulbs) today. Each person has their own little area to work with. Ongoing...tidying up...A lot of  rubbish and waste gets collected and it's not so easy to get rid of it. Storage is a bit of a problem also, so it's necessary to be able to get rid of that waste and rubbish quickly, but...    

Tuesday 24 October 2017

Tidying up

Allotment today: it was general cleaning and clearing. There is not a lot of storage space for bits and pieces, so the area we use can get very untidy and disorganised easily.  

Tuesday 17 October 2017

Garlic and shallots

At the allotment today we planted shallot and garlic bulbs. We're very organised, with separate 'drills' and name tags and sticks as markers, for each channel-so we'll be able find them!   

Tuesday 10 October 2017

Sue leaving

It's Sue's last week at the allotment-I'll be sorry to see her go. Lots of weeding today! 
I had my phone stolen on Sunday and feel really  angry about that.  

Tuesday 3 October 2017

Harvest Festival Show

No allotment today, as Sue was away.  However, there was a drawing and painting session (at Bede) instead. The vegetable painted pieces, will provide part of the backdrop, for the Harvest Festival Show tomorrow. 

Tuesday 26 September 2017


Allotment today: routine maintenance, including weeding, general tiding up. Everything is well organised. We did get to take home some lovely bunches of carrots, so that's something to have with a meal this week! The Harvest Show is next Wednesday...    

Tuesday 19 September 2017

More weeding

A brief pause...today more weeding-where do they all come from?  Small, but persistent. All the weeds go in to the compost bin though, so nothing is wasted.  

Tuesday 12 September 2017


At the allotment, it's been quite exciting as: new  potatoes, cabbages and tomatoes are all ready to harvest. We hope to be able to display the next crop, at the Bede Harvest Festival in October.    

Tuesday 5 September 2017

Tuesday 22 August 2017

Went to the pub...

I was at Orient St last week. As I've said before,   I'ts an opportunity for some respite. A small group went to the local pub. It was quite a pleasant and relaxing. I'm not an alcohol person, but I do enjoy a cold glass of coke, no ice!  

Tuesday 8 August 2017


We (a small group), went to Broadstairs last week. Impressions: really lovely and attractive little town. However, it rained, though only for a short time, but that didn't spoil a very enjoyable day. I liked it a lot!   

Tuesday 1 August 2017

Broad beans

The plants in the allotment are looking very healthy...some slug problems, but that's a minor issue. Plenty of watering required. Also we took some broad beans home.           

Tuesday 25 July 2017


It was a busy day at the allotment: watering, tilling and the transferring of cabbages from trays into new beds. Obviously, there is an ongoing cycle of planting, cultivation and harvesting.    

Tuesday 18 July 2017

It hasn't rained...

With regard to the allotment: more watering today. Obviously it's been so hot, that the soil dries out quickly. We're not going to let all our other hard work be for nothing! 

Tuesday 11 July 2017

Supported living

;I am hoping to move soon, into supported (living) accommodation. It's been a long time coming, as I guess, there is such demand for it and few places available. I'm really excited about this opportunity. 

Tuesday 4 July 2017

party in the park...

At last it was the Party in the Park at St Peters: hot day, filling food and plenty of entertainment-lots of summery fete activities. I really enjoyed it, especially the chocolate muffin and cup of tea!   

Tuesday 27 June 2017


Today at allotment we did more weeding and watering. Did I say that? Everything is looking quite  impressive.  

Tuesday 20 June 2017

Though I can't swim, I wasn't worried .

Last week a large group from Bede went to Greenland Dock. We were supported by experienced sailors and we spent the day learning to...sail. It was a really enjoyable day out. 

Tuesday 6 June 2017

Green House

We are currently collecting plastic 2 litre bottles  for the Bede green house. It looks like a really     interesting project. Depending on the size of the  construction, we could need abut 1500 bottles to complete it!   

Tuesday 30 May 2017

My charger...

I am really annoyed...I have lost the charger for my phone. I plugged it in (at Bede), forgot it, went back after the weekend and it was gone. Surely nobody else needs it more than I do? It's my charger give it back!      

Tuesday 23 May 2017


We planted our broad beans today in one of the raised beds and watered them-there hasn't been much rain recently. I brought home just over one pound of leeks today as well !  

Tuesday 16 May 2017

Summer Party in the Park 1st July.

The Summer Party in the Park, is on 1st July-all welcome! 

Back to the allotment. Today we were mixing manure, to provide a good bed, for the broad beans, we are going to grow.  

Tuesday 9 May 2017

Party in the Park

Just a quick mention of my local church (St Peter's), summer fete, or it's 'Summer Party in the Park'.There will be food stalls, activities, music and performances. An enjoyable and fun day out for all! Date to come...  

Tuesday 2 May 2017


I planted potatoes in the allotment today. We had  them inside for a couple of months to help them develop...they also got a good watering! The rhubarb and garlic will be ready very soon .  

Tuesday 25 April 2017


I bought some new headphones today (£5 from East St Market). I hope the'll last a while, compared to the very cheap, but useless ones from the Pound Shop. I really like to listen to Heart on the radio, wherever I go. 


Tuesday 18 April 2017

Orient st

I often go to the Orient St (Adult) Respite Unit, probably about once a month. It's an opportunity to give my family a break and for me to get some extra support and join in a lot of different activities. I really enjoy going there.    

Tuesday 11 April 2017


All of our  plants are developing nicely. Today we just watered everything thoroughly. We have access to a standpipe nearby, so that's really convenient. 

Tuesday 4 April 2017


We have various beans that are being cultivated in pots. They will then be planted in beds at the allotment. Today, just a little weeding and watering was necessary. 

Tuesday 28 March 2017

Carry on weeding...

More weeding- I know it seems endless, from one week to the next, but it is so relaxing and enjoyable (and tiring!). I also enjoy being part of a small group working together. I've been involved with the allotment project for 3 to 4 years.  

Tuesday 21 March 2017

Weed day

Today it was a little bit more weeding. Everything, more or less, goes into the composting bin anyway. We have a really lovely mulch, which we can mix in where we need it.  

Tuesday 14 March 2017

Runner beans.

We planted red runner beans today. We've got a well prepared bed for them. We hope that they will be ready for harvesting in about 5 months. Interestingly, they also produce really attractive flowers for ornamental display.                         

Tuesday 7 March 2017

Allotment team.

We didn't do a lot today-that's gardening for you. However, we did do some weeding. The vegetables are all looking great! We went to the cafe afterwards-same as usual: burger, chips and a cup of tea...   

Tuesday 28 February 2017

Alloment goes on

Allotment latest: a little bit of weeding [of grass shoots] and watering/general maintenance-ie. turning the earth over and mixing in manure; making sure that any damaged or unhealthy growth was removed. 

Tuesday 21 February 2017

21 february

today tuesday  21 february .
 This morning I was in the allotment group.        Sue F. and Vicky supported us . We walked to Tesco because we wanted to see how onions bulbs looked liked . We went for an early lunch to Burger King in the Surrey Quays  shopping centre.  I had a burger and chips and a cup of tea.   After lunch we came back to Bede.  

Tuesday 14 February 2017

Leaves ?

Ongoing from the allotment: ok, it's quiet, but  look it is winter! We can't do much and (as said  before) we don't really need to. All we did was gather up fallen leaves...and then off to the cafe.          

Tuesday 7 February 2017

Checking at the allotment...

In the allotment today we just quickly checked that there were no problems: everything was fine nothing to worry about. For lunch we went to the Starbucks Cafe nearby and I had burger and chips!    

Tuesday 31 January 2017


At the allotment today we sowed the seeds for the broad beans. We will put a frame in (to trail them on) when they develop longer shoots.They will be ready to harvest sometime between June and September. You have to be patient. 

Tuesday 24 January 2017

Grow stuff

Continuing from last week: there is very little to do, which is good, but frustrating. However, we have potatoes indoors starting off, which we will transfer to the allotment later. 

Tuesday 17 January 2017

in the allotment.

Allotment today: we didn't do very much, but this only reflects the fact that we are well organised and have a routine that works! I do enjoy the time I spend there, I'm looking forward to harvesting more plants as soon as we can. 

Tuesday 10 January 2017

Allotment latest

 It was a quiet day at the allotment. We more or less just checked that all the vegetables were ok. Currently we have broad beans, onions, radishes, rhubarb and garlic planted (and kidney beans). The're all doing really well!

Tuesday 3 January 2017


Had a nice Christmas with the family.We ate about 5pm and afterwards everyone came together to exchange gifts. I got a lot of of clothes, a watch and a phone. Really good food, great company- had a joyful time. Thanks everyone!