Tuesday 22 November 2016

Christmas wreath

 Today in allotment group, I made 3 Christmas wreaths. Chantal helped me to wrap the wire around the shredded paper of my wreath. I picked out the decorations I want to use, and I will attach them next week. When I have finished my wreaths I can take 1 home and sell the others at the Bede  Christmas Fair.


Tuesday 15 November 2016

Clear out

We did a little more weeding today. Funnily enough though, most of the clearing up, was of the leaves from the surrounding trees, that fall everywhere. We can't rely on them just being blown away by the wind!  

Tuesday 8 November 2016

Broad beans

We had already built a frame (tresstle), to support our broad beans. Today we planted the seeds. As the plants grow, we can support them as they gain height. They should be ready in early Spring.