Tuesday 21 June 2016


In the allotment today it was necessary to do more  weeding. Believe it or not, I still had to do some   watering (of the herbs), despite all the rain that  we've had.

Tuesday 14 June 2016

weeding day

I did some work at the allotment today. Firstly, I did some composting, followed by some weeding.
It rained after the weeding and we had to go to a café in The Blue to keep dry. Having had lunch in the café, we then went back to Bede.  

Tuesday 7 June 2016

Today's broad beans

We harvested our broad beans today. Everybody  pitched in. Kayleigh washed them for us. Me, I did a bit of weeding, then planted a tomato plant and  watered it in. Tonight I'll be dining on broad beans while they're still nice and fresh.