Tuesday 31 May 2016

Orient Street

Every month I go to Orient Street for a short respite stay. It's an opportunity to relax and stay with my friends away my family. I watch TV and listen to music, and then we go for a drive. We also go to the pub. There's a woman who cooks our meals for us - things like spaghetti - it's very nice!

Tuesday 24 May 2016

weeding and watering

I did some weeding at the allotment today. 

I also did the watering doing all the plants, 6 beds in total.  

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Runner beans

We were not at the allotment for long today. After a little preparation, we planted our runner bean plants (from their pots), into the growing bed, so that they will be able to grow and climb up the  frames we had installed. They could be ready  in August.    

Tuesday 10 May 2016


On Monday mornings I go to a drama group run by a project called Three Cs in Peckham. At the moment I'm playing a character called Larry. He's a guy like me who writes a blog, and like me he likes performing. 
I really  enjoy these drama classes and I get a lot out of them.  
Visit Three Cs at Three Cs.co.uk

Tuesday 3 May 2016


Our vegetables need sunlight to help them grow they also need water and food in the way of manure. The potatoes we planted are doing well which means they are getting enough food. Our peas are doing well too.