Tuesday 26 January 2016

Adele - Hello

This is the first time I've shaved anything from You Tube and I chose this particular song by Adele because I like it a lot and want people to see it. 

Tuesday 19 January 2016

Cold day...

We checked the broad beans, garlic and onions today. The ground was frozen, slippery and icy. The lake had frozen over and seagulls were standing around  on the ice.

Tuesday 12 January 2016

More allotment...

In the allotment group we were talking about things to plant/grow this year, that is, what would  be the best seasonal vegetables to plan for. Suggestions  included: lettuce, spinach, garlic, broad  beans and sprouts .

Tuesday 5 January 2016

A day spent weeding

We did a bit of weeding in the allotment today. The peas are growing but we didn't have to water them because  it's been raining here.
We went to a different cafĂ© today, where I had my normal cheese burger and chips. I really miss Lou Farrow's, which is still shut because they're turning it into a restaurant. A restaurant, for heavens sake!  I don't think we'll be going there for lunch!