Tuesday 6 December 2016

Quiet allotment day

We didn't do much in the allotment today, just further leaf clearing. Really it was too cold to do much else. Those leaves are a nuisance and we only compost food, cuttings, T-bags, etc. 

Tuesday 22 November 2016

Christmas wreath

 Today in allotment group, I made 3 Christmas wreaths. Chantal helped me to wrap the wire around the shredded paper of my wreath. I picked out the decorations I want to use, and I will attach them next week. When I have finished my wreaths I can take 1 home and sell the others at the Bede  Christmas Fair.


Tuesday 15 November 2016

Clear out

We did a little more weeding today. Funnily enough though, most of the clearing up, was of the leaves from the surrounding trees, that fall everywhere. We can't rely on them just being blown away by the wind!  

Tuesday 8 November 2016

Broad beans

We had already built a frame (tresstle), to support our broad beans. Today we planted the seeds. As the plants grow, we can support them as they gain height. They should be ready in early Spring. 

Tuesday 25 October 2016



Tuesday 18 October 2016


Today at the allotment we planted our garlic bulbs-nine in total. Obviously, we are hoping to get a good crop.They usually take about 9 months before they are mature-I can't believe that!

Tuesday 11 October 2016


At the allotment today, we planted our onion bulbs. There are two types of ('short-day') onions: yellow/ red and they should be ready at the beginning of spring (about 5 months). Quite a lot of preparation had been done in the bed before planting, so we are hoping to get a good crop.

Tuesday 4 October 2016


It's the allotment that keeps giving back, but you have to put the work in to get the results.This week more broad  beans! I'm not sure how they will be used yet, but anything is possible...boiled, curried... 

Tuesday 27 September 2016

harvested day

I did some allotment work today and I've harvested some potatoes and runner beans.
I also did the watering of all the plants.

27 September

At the allotment today, it was an opportunity to harvest the tomatoes and broad beans. the tomatoes are quite small, while the beans are huge! 


Tuesday 20 September 2016


At the allotment today we planted the seeds for the radish. We have a lot of salad related vegetables which are growing.

Tuesday 6 September 2016

Picking courgettes

Today was pretty exciting at the allotment as we were able to pick, pluck and take home tomatoes   beans beans and courgettes. It's great to see all the work that we put in produce results!

Tuesday 16 August 2016

We are sailing

I really enjoyed the sailing activity at Bede today. It took place on Greenland Dock at Surrey Quays. In the boat with me was James and the instructor, who demonstrated some of the techniques that were possible. Great fun! 

Tuesday 2 August 2016

Just a normal day...

I wasn't in the allotment today, because I needed to find a new charger for my phone (I didn't manage to). It's important for me to do that and I won't be happy until it's sorted out. I really do rely a lot on that phone, so I'm a bit concerned. 

Tuesday 19 July 2016

harvest time

Tuesday 19th July

Today what with the very hot weather the allotment needed lots of watering.
I also checked the colour of my broad beans and they were green  which meant l was able to harvest them.   

Tuesday 12 July 2016

boat trip

Bede organises various activities through the summer. Last Friday it was the boat trip from Westminster, down to Greenwich park. I really   enjoyed the day out and particularly, to spend time with friends at Bede .  

Tuesday 5 July 2016

Allotment: on golng

More time in the allotment today.Tasks are  repetitive, but necessary. So that meant more  weeding, watering and, tidying up. I do find it good fun, but quite tiring.  

Tuesday 21 June 2016


In the allotment today it was necessary to do more  weeding. Believe it or not, I still had to do some   watering (of the herbs), despite all the rain that  we've had.

Tuesday 14 June 2016

weeding day

I did some work at the allotment today. Firstly, I did some composting, followed by some weeding.
It rained after the weeding and we had to go to a cafĂ© in The Blue to keep dry. Having had lunch in the cafĂ©, we then went back to Bede.  

Tuesday 7 June 2016

Today's broad beans

We harvested our broad beans today. Everybody  pitched in. Kayleigh washed them for us. Me, I did a bit of weeding, then planted a tomato plant and  watered it in. Tonight I'll be dining on broad beans while they're still nice and fresh.

Tuesday 31 May 2016

Orient Street

Every month I go to Orient Street for a short respite stay. It's an opportunity to relax and stay with my friends away my family. I watch TV and listen to music, and then we go for a drive. We also go to the pub. There's a woman who cooks our meals for us - things like spaghetti - it's very nice!

Tuesday 24 May 2016

weeding and watering

I did some weeding at the allotment today. 

I also did the watering doing all the plants, 6 beds in total.  

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Runner beans

We were not at the allotment for long today. After a little preparation, we planted our runner bean plants (from their pots), into the growing bed, so that they will be able to grow and climb up the  frames we had installed. They could be ready  in August.    

Tuesday 10 May 2016


On Monday mornings I go to a drama group run by a project called Three Cs in Peckham. At the moment I'm playing a character called Larry. He's a guy like me who writes a blog, and like me he likes performing. 
I really  enjoy these drama classes and I get a lot out of them.  
Visit Three Cs at Three Cs.co.uk

Tuesday 3 May 2016


Our vegetables need sunlight to help them grow they also need water and food in the way of manure. The potatoes we planted are doing well which means they are getting enough food. Our peas are doing well too.

Tuesday 26 April 2016


We talked about herbs today...different kinds of herbs like the ones Christine cooks with in Bede  cafĂ©. We talked about mint, rosemary, chives, coriander, and parsley.

Tuesday 19 April 2016

Spraying the blackfly

Today we sprayed the blackfly on the broad beans with a very weak solution of washing up liquid which kills them off - or it's meant to. Then we did some weeding and cleared the beds of dead leaves.

Tuesday 12 April 2016

Red kidney beans

Today we planted red kidney beans. I made a row in the soil with my finger and put in seven beans, then I covered them with soil and watered them well.
We talked about what kind of herbs we will grow over the summer. I wanted to grow rosemary and thyme.

Tuesday 5 April 2016

Checking our vegetables

We checked the five things we have growing in the allotment the at moment: peas, potatoes, onions, garlic, and broad beans. We talked about growing French beans, runner beans, tomatoes  and courgettes later in the season. Then we did some weeding.

Tuesday 29 March 2016

Chosing tomatoes to grow

Sarah put different types of tomatoes on the table and asked everyone to chose which sort they want to grow this year. She had packets of seeds for each type. I chose the beefsteak variety because they're good in fresh sandwiches and rolls.

Tuesday 15 March 2016

Harvest Show

I am going to grow red kidney beans at the allotment. I shall be planting the seeds next week. It could take between three and four months before they are ready. I want to display them at the Bede Summer Harvest Show. I'm really excited !

Tuesday 8 March 2016

Preparing for potatoes

Pleasant, but cold today at the allotment. We were preparing various growing beds, by digging  manure into them. We are going to plant potatoes in them next week.

Tuesday 1 March 2016

Bad Blood

I really like the Taylor Swift song, Bad Blood. I'm  waiting for her new album to come out. However, I don't own any of her albums and I'm not familiar with anything else she's done.   

Tuesday 23 February 2016


Back in the allotment today doing basic maintenance. That involved a lot of sieving and picking up a lot of fallen leaves. It's slow, but necessary work. The earth will be recycled for use later. 

Tuesday 9 February 2016

Black Magic

This should be number one in the charts on the big top 40 on Sunday because I really like it. Isn't this video lively and bubbly and upbeat?   

Tuesday 2 February 2016

The Artist Justin Bieber

I like this particular song because it's so upbeat. It's personal to me. Justin Bieber is a talented artist. He's doing really well in the charts.  

Tuesday 26 January 2016

Adele - Hello

This is the first time I've shaved anything from You Tube and I chose this particular song by Adele because I like it a lot and want people to see it. 

Tuesday 19 January 2016

Cold day...

We checked the broad beans, garlic and onions today. The ground was frozen, slippery and icy. The lake had frozen over and seagulls were standing around  on the ice.

Tuesday 12 January 2016

More allotment...

In the allotment group we were talking about things to plant/grow this year, that is, what would  be the best seasonal vegetables to plan for. Suggestions  included: lettuce, spinach, garlic, broad  beans and sprouts .

Tuesday 5 January 2016

A day spent weeding

We did a bit of weeding in the allotment today. The peas are growing but we didn't have to water them because  it's been raining here.
We went to a different cafĂ© today, where I had my normal cheese burger and chips. I really miss Lou Farrow's, which is still shut because they're turning it into a restaurant. A restaurant, for heavens sake!  I don't think we'll be going there for lunch!