Tuesday 24 November 2015

Cooking on Saturday - my own homegrown squash and potaToes

We dug out our potatoes today - not with a spade or a fork, but with our hands! I also picked my squash. I'm going to cook them at the weekend.

On Tuesday 8th December, Bede is holding its annual Christmas Fete from 11 to 2pm.


Tuesday 17 November 2015

Christmas Wreaths Part One

This week  we started making Christmas wreaths. We wrap paper  and wire  round a ring frame and I made two today. Next week we will decorate  them.


Tuesday 10 November 2015

Peas go in

I haven't much time today so I have to make this  short. we  planted  the peas in  the beds today and we wrote out labels for them.

Tuesday 3 November 2015

Stick day

We made climbing frames for the peas to grow up. Harriet and Sue showed us how. Because it's  autumn there were lots of leaves on the ground. We picked  them up, then did a little weeding.