Tuesday 30 June 2015

Last day of June....

Allotment latest - hardly surprising that we've had to do lots of watering  and  more watering. There is a fixed  water supply to which a hose can be attached. It would  be very difficult without  it. We have to carry all the tools that we need for the job, etc. from Bede.

Tuesday 23 June 2015

New face

We had a new person [new to Bede ] called Kimberly!She's joined the staff on a three month placement from the United States. She also  came to the allotment.We worked hard today weeding, watering and turning a lot of the soil over. We should soon have potatoes to take home.

Tuesday 9 June 2015


Maintaining the allotment is a continuous activity- I'm there every Tuesday. Today we had to do a lot of watering, because everything dries out really quickly.Took home some beautiful, huge broad beans last week.   

Tuesday 2 June 2015

Drama Group

I do a drama class on Monday at an organization called 3C in Peckham. I really  enjoy it. I've been developing a character called Jack who is a blogger. When everyone has a character, we'll put a play together.