Tuesday 26 May 2015

Bowling on Bank Holiday

Yesterday, bank holiday monday, I went bowling in Lewisham with my friends Dulani, Muizz, Joseph and Davion. I got a strike and Dulani won. Then we went for Chinese food. I had rolls and chicken.

Tuesday 12 May 2015

A quiet week

We did  weeding at the allotment  today and  then checked what was growing. there were some brad beans, chard, runner beans, onions and potatoes. we watered the vegetables, then went for lunch at Lou Farrow's.


Tuesday 5 May 2015

Gusty May

It was far too gusty in the allotment  today but we worked then hard nevertheless. We weeded and watered, then went to the pop in for lunch. I had my usual: cheeseburger  chips and a cup of tea.