Tuesday 31 March 2015

Cold and blustery

It's cold and blustery out today so we didn't do much in the allotment. I turned the soil in the raised bed and then we went to Lou Farrow's for lunch.

Tuesday 24 March 2015

The reason I played cricket today

I came in late today because the 42 bus I get had been diverted - so I took a cab to the Bede.

Because I was  too late for the allotment group, I played cricket instead in the gym before lunch.

The reason for the diversion: an unexploded WWII bomb was uncovered at a nearby building site!

Tuesday 17 March 2015

trip to the unicorn theatre

I went to the Unicorn Theatre on Saturday to see a show: Britain's Best Recruiting Sergeant.
It was really, really good, entertaining and funny. I'd like to see it again but it's finished.  

Tuesday 10 March 2015

A tribute to Gary

My friend Gary, we lost him because he died so young. May he rest in peace.
He loved Spiderman and Thundercats and at his funeral they played the music from Thundercats.
It was a sad funeral. I couldn't stop crying. I hugged his mum and his dad. The crematorium was packed. There were loads of flowers.
I won't forget about him. He was loved. I will keep him in my prayers.