Tuesday 17 February 2015

Plastic Cloches

Today we put a cloche over the seed bed in the allotment. The cloche is made of clear plastic, which lets in sunlight. The sunlight warms up the soil. The cloche also stops the birds eating the seeds.
I went to Lou Farrow's café and had cheeseburger, chips, and a cup of tea. I had a nice day.

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Not doing much...

We didn't do much today. We went and emptied the scraps onto the compost, then Tayo washed out the scrap bin. I went to talk to Andrea and Matthew, the staff who work at the allotment, then we went to lunch - cheeseburger and chips and a cup of tea.

Tuesday 3 February 2015

Oxeye Daisies

We planted seeds in pots  today - sweet peppers and oxeye daisies. Sarah who runs the group showed us how to do it.