Tuesday 27 January 2015


To get a better idea of what herbs and vegetables we could plant in the allotment, we went to the vegetable  section  at Tesco. We now have a  good  idea of what's available. We want to try and develop the herb part of the allotment a little more, amongst other things. 

Tuesday 20 January 2015


My group went to the  supermarket today with Sue and Chantal  to  look at  vegetables. We  looked   at   broccoli,  tomatoes and  pumpkins.

Tuesday 6 January 2015

flge day

Today we had a flag raising event for the Can Do Project, who have been working with Bede over the last few months to create four seasonal themed flags ( Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter), which will hang outside in Southwark Park. They look fantastic.



Christmas was good, but it finished too quickly, because I really enjoyed it and was sorry to see it end. The whole family came over. It was a nice relaxed, enjoyable time. I really like to party.