Tuesday 28 October 2014

Allotment group

Allotment group 

Today I planted broad beans. I also did some weeding in the clear bed to get it ready for new vegetables. 

We went to Lou Farrows for lunch. I had a cheese burger and a cup of tea. 

Tuesday 21 October 2014


Today I dug up my new  potatoes but there were only a few. Then I washed them.
We also potted up some strawberry plants in some pots.
I had sausage and chips and a glass of water for lunch then we come back to Bede.

Tuesday 14 October 2014


I changed the label on my onions at the beds in the allotment. the labels that were temporary labels - the paper would have got wet in the rain. The label has the same information, but this one will last longer.