Tuesday 22 July 2014

Allotment group

1. Emptied the compost.
2. Weeding. 
3. Planted  broccolli and cale.
4. Harvested onions and challots.
5. Watered everything.

Today at the allotment it was hot, it was 26 degrees. But also, there was a nice cool breeze. 
I enjoyed the morning, then it was lunchtime. I had a cheeseburger, chips, and a cup of tea at the Pop Inn Cafe.  

Tuesday 15 July 2014

Allotment Group . 15/07/2014

Allotment Group . 15/07/2014 

Watered the Pumpkins, weeded in between my onions. 
Sowed Carrot's and Beetroot Into the ground prepared by Joseph and Anne. My Carrot's and Beetroot's. Have a label with my name on .  
We went to Lou Farrow for lunch and I had a Cheese Burger, Chips and Onions. Anne cut my Burger in half for me and I had a cup of tea to drink. 

Tuesday 8 July 2014


Harvested my potatoes, washed my potatoes. Put new manure mixed with compost in my potato tub ready for my new crop next week.

We checked Sarah's shallots, and she took some to the Bede.

We went to Lou Farrows for lunch and I had burger and chips and tea.