Tuesday 24 June 2014

allotment group

I planted some new pumpkin seeds today and put them at the end of the plot. Did loads of watering as well and a lot of weeding. It was hot-phew! Went out for lunch with Sarah, Sue and  Happis the dog (he stayed outside though!).  

today at the allotment

I watered the plants in the allotment group. The plants I watered were onions, shallots, potatoes and broad beans.

For lunch I had a hamburger with chips. My drink was blackcurrant.    

Tuesday 17 June 2014


I did the allotment group today. We did some watering on the baby plants.We also water the plants outside the cafe.

Tuesday 10 June 2014

alloment group

I did the allotment group today, as I missed last week's group. I had a look at my broad beans and shallots. I hope to pick my broad beans next week.