Tuesday 16 December 2014

allotment group 5

I went to the allotment group today to see if any of  my food was ready to be picked. I first  checked on my lettuces to see if  they were ready. I then checked the broad beans. I helped empty the compost bin before going with the group to have lunch.

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Christmas wreaths

I put baubles on my Christmas wreaths this week: balls, hearts and little Christmas trees. They are now finished.  

Tuesday 25 November 2014

wreath making

I started a project to make a wreath for the Bede Christmas fair. I used the wire to make a circle and tied a knot in place.

We used small bits of paper to put around the wire to make the wreath.

I wrapped real leaves from a fir tree around the frame, then I pulled it tight. My friend Joseph helped me finish it off.     

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Hair today; gone tomorrow

I went to have my haircut on Saturday. I go to a barber on the Old Kent Road. Calvin does my hair. I won't let anyone else cut it. He's Nigerian. I'm Nigerian as well. 

Tuesday 28 October 2014

Allotment group

Allotment group 

Today I planted broad beans. I also did some weeding in the clear bed to get it ready for new vegetables. 

We went to Lou Farrows for lunch. I had a cheese burger and a cup of tea. 

Tuesday 21 October 2014


Today I dug up my new  potatoes but there were only a few. Then I washed them.
We also potted up some strawberry plants in some pots.
I had sausage and chips and a glass of water for lunch then we come back to Bede.

Tuesday 14 October 2014


I changed the label on my onions at the beds in the allotment. the labels that were temporary labels - the paper would have got wet in the rain. The label has the same information, but this one will last longer.

Tuesday 23 September 2014


I harvested two big pumpkins today. I didn't  know they'd turn out to have green skin.
I'll be taking them home to cook tonight-or at the  weekend.
I had a kids' meal, chips, and a cup of tea for lunch.

Tuesday 16 September 2014

bowling day out

Went bowling with Amos yesterday, but I played on my own for 1-2 hours-I enjoyed it anyway, its a good  opporunity to exercise and practise my skills. Afterwards, we went to a local garage where Amos washed his car-that I suppose was his exercise for the day...Between 3-4pm Muizz and Dulani  came round for a chat and cup of tea-it was nice to see them.        

Tuesday 2 September 2014

weather chart day

Tuesday 5th August .

Allotment Group.

We looked at the Weather Chart  and we Talked  about it. I took the  compost  down and  emptied  it in  the compost  bin, afterwards I washed it  out. I weeded  around  the pumpkins  and onions. 
I had  to  water  everything  as it has  been very hot  and  it had not  rained very much. 
We went to  lunch  at Lou Farrows and I  had a Cheeseburger ,chips and  a cup of  tea . 

Tuesday 19 August 2014

On going in the allotment...

Hey readers-can't explain it...I'm tired today, so its going  to be  a  short one. News on the pumkins-just 6 to 8 weeks possibly before they are ready to eat ( I'm guessing ). Can't wait.  

Tuesday 12 August 2014

John's Saturday

Saturday 9/8/14 

In the morning I swept the House, from top to bottom  because the Hoover was broken.
After all the hard work I had a bath.  

At lunch-time I had Chicken and rice, and a  cup of tea. Which I really enjoyed. 

Then Dulani, called at my home to  take me to visit his home.  I had  a fresh Orange  Juice. 
We watched 'Tumble' at 6.30 pm on BBC 1, presented by Alex Jones.            

Tuesday 5 August 2014

Onion day

Tuesday 5th August, Allotment Group.

We looked at the weather chart and we talked about the weather and what that meant for our vegetables.I took the compost down and emptied it in the compost bin, afterwards i washed the bin out.
I weeded around the Pumpkins and Onions.

I had to water everything as it has been hot and has not rained very much.
We went to lunch at Lou Farrows and i had a Cheeseburger, chips and a cup of tea.

Tuesday 22 July 2014

Allotment group

1. Emptied the compost.
2. Weeding. 
3. Planted  broccolli and cale.
4. Harvested onions and challots.
5. Watered everything.

Today at the allotment it was hot, it was 26 degrees. But also, there was a nice cool breeze. 
I enjoyed the morning, then it was lunchtime. I had a cheeseburger, chips, and a cup of tea at the Pop Inn Cafe.  

Tuesday 15 July 2014

Allotment Group . 15/07/2014

Allotment Group . 15/07/2014 

Watered the Pumpkins, weeded in between my onions. 
Sowed Carrot's and Beetroot Into the ground prepared by Joseph and Anne. My Carrot's and Beetroot's. Have a label with my name on .  
We went to Lou Farrow for lunch and I had a Cheese Burger, Chips and Onions. Anne cut my Burger in half for me and I had a cup of tea to drink. 

Tuesday 8 July 2014


Harvested my potatoes, washed my potatoes. Put new manure mixed with compost in my potato tub ready for my new crop next week.

We checked Sarah's shallots, and she took some to the Bede.

We went to Lou Farrows for lunch and I had burger and chips and tea.

Tuesday 24 June 2014

allotment group

I planted some new pumpkin seeds today and put them at the end of the plot. Did loads of watering as well and a lot of weeding. It was hot-phew! Went out for lunch with Sarah, Sue and  Happis the dog (he stayed outside though!).  

today at the allotment

I watered the plants in the allotment group. The plants I watered were onions, shallots, potatoes and broad beans.

For lunch I had a hamburger with chips. My drink was blackcurrant.    

Tuesday 17 June 2014


I did the allotment group today. We did some watering on the baby plants.We also water the plants outside the cafe.

Tuesday 10 June 2014

alloment group

I did the allotment group today, as I missed last week's group. I had a look at my broad beans and shallots. I hope to pick my broad beans next week.

Tuesday 20 May 2014

today at bede

Today the council put a new lock on my door. It made me late for bede. I had lunch before working with Michael. after I did the blog group were I put a new post up.      

tuesday 6 may


Yes! There were blackfly, but the spray killed  them all off-good!   we  did   some weedlng  in  between  the onions before lunch.   popin cafe   


Today I wove a basket. It's for Verity, our manager, who is leaving. I weeded the beds and my onions.

Tuesday 8 April 2014

The allotment: recent activities

Today I planted some more onions in my little bed and watered them. It will probable be couple of months  before they're near ready.Tuesday.

Tuesday April  22nd. 

Weeding our bed, putting more compost on our potatoes. Weeded in between my onions. Checked the broad  beans  for black fly, there was no black fly.

tuesday  april  29th

Checked the broad beans for black fly, there was one black fly. John put yellow seeds in pots. john also did some weeding as well. 

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Growing things in the allotment

I planted onions, garlic and broad beans in the bed at the allotment.
I also worked manure into another bed to get it ready to plant. 

Tuesday 14 January 2014

My Christmas

i had a great Christmas  and new year. i stayed up with my dad to see in the new year.